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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Want to reach a goal?

I am still buzzing with inspiration from “My Woman’s Workshop” that I attended today.  I wanted to tell you about it because I find it very helpful in my life it might be something you could benefit from too.

The day started off with me getting up late because well after a bottle of wine last night I made a mistake and set my alarm for Sunday at 7:00pm but good thing I have an internal alarm clock and can’t sleep in any way!  I was totally on time for the registration and coffee at the WU Conference center for this event though. Yay me!  I saw some familiar faces but as I was looking around for a space this lovely woman invited me to sit with her and right away we started chatting and there was an instant connection.  I could tell she is one of those people with a beautiful spirit and a good energy.  I think every woman in attendance was the same because of the simple fact they were there.  We were all there because we made a choice to spend our Saturday learning by choice and being proactive in making our lives better in some way. 

The sessions started off with the lovely Wendy Southworth from Priority Personnel. Then Kathy Watt from LMI Canada spoke to us about the importance of goal setting. She talked about the common traits of successful people and what sets us apart (Yes I consider myself successful).  Its not money or education or some mystical power people have. 3% of the most successful people have written measurable goals. 10% have firm goals and I believe I am in the 10 %....not a shabby place to be but there is more to it.  You really need to take the time to think about your goals and feel how you will feel when you reach them.  Act “as if” it has already happened.  Successful people focus, they are self-motivated and positive (no excuses).  Also knowing where you are, where you want to go, when you want to do it, how you are going to do it and then tracking your progress are all things you need to do in order to effectively reach your goals.

I wont spend more time on this but one more thing I learned is that I’ve waited for things to be perfect at times and it holds me back more.  Life isn’t linear and she compared it to the course of an air plane.  Air planes are 99% off course when they are flying and have to constantly correct in order to reach a destination.  It doesn’t make me feel better about flying but did make me feel better about my goals and knowing that no path is going to be perfect but if you are aware of what you want and how to get there you can always make the necessary adjustments.

If you have goals that you have never written down and wonder why you haven’t reached them yet then do yourself a favor and even without all the other process just simply write them down and your chances of success go way up.  I’m not an expert on this by any means but if you have more questions just google how to be successful or goal setting and there are ton’s of resources.  If you want to take it a step further get yourself a coach.  Kathy is a coach herself although I go to U Turn Warrior Co-Active Life coaching with Sharon Cowan and she has been amazing.  I am constantly writing my goals down, I do review them but my process needs work so being at this event today was inspiring. 

After Kathys talk I went on to a yoga session that left me feeling great after being a little tired . It really did help with my focus but also helped me to get excited about using my free week at Yoga Nirvana and think I’ll be going tomorrow.  We had lunch then finished up my day with an Investing session that was really helpful too.  All of the woman and sponsors did a fantastic job. The next workshop is in April and I can’t wait becuase I will be going. 

Well that’s all for today I just wanted you to know about this workshop and if you have more questions on how to get in touch with any of the people I mentioned just email me! 

Have a lovely weekend!



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