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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Changes change everything

Well its Saturday and Im sitting at my moms just watching cooking shows and chilling with my family.  I gotta tell you this is much different from how I use to spend Saturdays.   I had set out on a mission to rid myself of useless emotions, take on a healthy lifestyle, manage stress and get myself on track financially.  So far I've been kicking ass to be honest but it hasn't been easy so I am proud of the things I have managed to accomplish as a single/musician/mom/sales rep.

I've learned more than I had expected to learn about myself and even about other people.  I also learned that you have to rely on yourself and its ok to rely on others when you need to but ultimately your power will always come from within.  I have some pretty fantastic support in my life such as family, friends, a life coach, a Natropathic doctor, my regular doctor, my hypnosis guru, my meal planning coach and my inner coach.  I didn't expect to loose so much weight but I guess its part of making whole body/mind/spirit improvements.  I think there was an inner driving force that was pushing me forward and it took some time for my mind to catch up....I was pretty much detoxing my body and mind so much and it was hard and sometimes kind of scary.  Im still learning to find balance in my life and thats something that everyone has to work on constantly because nothing will ever be perfect and its not meant to be.

I do believe that you can be perfectly happy when you learn to accept things that you cant change and the things that you can change if they will ultimately make you happier and benefit your life...then take the initiative to do it no matter how big or small it is. It is also really important to embrace the mistakes and failiurs, take them as learning lessons and don't hold on to the past too'll never get it back and you cant change a thing about it.  All we have is here and now so enjoy as many moments as you can while you are working towards your goals.  Its like the cliche "Success is a journey" and it really is. We are so much more capable of accomplishing things than we give ourselves credit for most of the time.  So if you can kick fear out of the way and let faith take can achieve anything. 

How about a mini music update?

Well I've got about 7 songs just about ready to go for the new album but will be focusing on getting a good solid 10 at least.  I am also beginning to get all the other planning done to unleash it next year. Its funny because music has kind of taken a bit of a backseat in my life lately but I had to make take care of a few other things for a while to try and do that balance thing :)

Much love,


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